Saturday, October 9, 2010

New Here...

Hi everyone!

I am not new to blogging, I've been doing it for years. But I am new to decor blogging, and I'm looking forward to sharing so many things! But first, let's talk about the gal behind the blog:

I am a mother of four Beeeee-autiful children who I adore from the pit of my being. I am married to my bestest friend, who inspires me and encourages and nurtures my every whim. We moved to Colorado about 10 years ago, and though I love the amazing things that life has brought us since our move here, I am homesick for the warm, lush, beauty that was my Southern home in Charleston, SC. We are here for the unforeseeable future though, so I decided to bring the beach to our sweet Colorado home-- through our decor.

But that's where things get interesting... I have a love of the coastal chic decor, but as I mentioned, I have 4 children. I love white... white... maybe some sea colors... maybe some natural burlap, linen textures... some Robin's Egg Blue... a splash of white... and a little bit of white. So, we'll see how well this color palette and natural textured fabrics go down in a home with 4 children and all of their snotty noses, chocolate chip cookie covered fingers, and cherry jello covered clothes...

Hmmmm... I'm crazy, no? Can we say "Lots and lots and lots of Scotchgard?"

And there's this other teensy weensy problem, I live in an area that is pretty close to desolate (no malls, no considerable shopping, minimal antique stores) AND the decor I have collected so far is hodge podge and lacking any real sense or purpose. I mean, I KNOW what looks nice. I KNOW what "pretty" is. I have fantastic taste. But, let's face it, I haven't really been aiming for anything other than "functional" and "affordable" since we started our family. I'm not far away from those brick and board shelf days of my college years... And I'm almost 35! Shhhhhhh. Don't tell anyone! ;-)

So, I'm creating this blog to document the changes, because there's gonna be some. I've been missing Charleston, growing up with sand in my toes, for so very long. And there's no need for that. If I can't live at the beach, well, I'll bring the beach to my home. Watch and see!


  1. Thanks for visiting and I am looking forward to your blog posts here. I love Charleston and it must have been hard to leave. I want to go back and tour some of the homes and SHOP.

  2. Welcome Stephanie.
    Thanks for visiting my blog and I can't wait to see what you do. I am like you. I love decor but don't want to order it I like finding something and then transforming it. That way no one else has one the same. And it is rewarding to see that something ugly and forgotten can once again be beautiful and treasured. Thus my business and blog name- tattered & timeless.
    I live in NC only 2.5 hours from the beach so if you need anything from this neck of the country let me know..

  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Its great to meet you. I look forward to reading all about your decor adventures as well. :)
