Saturday, October 23, 2010

Question for you...

I don't know if this is one of those big obvious answer questions but I saw this sign at The Virginia House and I love it. The font is kind of subway-ish. I see signs all over your blogs with similar fonts. There's also the beachy looking fonts, like the ones you see used on wooden beach signs that I like.

My problem is that I don't have a Cricut (I think some of you make stencils using those) and the nearest Hobby Lobby is 45 minutes away and has NOTHING in stencils or in sponge letters.

Do you have any suggestions on how I can make stencils, or order some that are affordable? The whole exacto knife on sturdy paper idea scares me, I must admit. I know you ladies are really good at creativity and I'm new to all of this, so I thought I'd ask you!

Your suggestions are much appreciated!



  1. There are lots of free fonts on line, so that is an easy way to find the font you want. I have done it a couple different ways, one being the sturdy paper and exacto knife deal, which works as long as you have one of those self healing cutting mats (like you use for quilting or scrap booking). Another option, is to print the letters out on paper, cut them out, then tape or glue them onto thin pieces of foam, and then cut out the foam. There is not really a super fast way that I know of, but they do work. Oh, there is one other option, if you are daring! :) You can free hand it, or trace the letters onto the wood and paint them in. Again, it takes longer, and there's more room for error, but it can be done. Hope this helps a bit!

  2. Thank you Melissa, I'm going to get to looking for some fonts online-- Thanks! I'm going to try the exacto method.

  3. I can't help with making fonts! Don't know how either. But thanks for leaving a comment on my mom cave. I am following your blog now. Come back and enter my giveaway for a copy of The French Inspired Home by following and leaving a comment. Its on my sidebar!

  4. If you have a hardware store, you can get basic stencils there. I have a Cricut, but I don't have that basic font, so I thought this would be simpler. I think the pack was about $4.
